Therapist, Healer, Consciousness Expander

Colleen Aloian

The 5-part Framework For Building Your Authentic Success


for building your authentic success

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Years of

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Mindset Mastery

Understand the role of the mind in shaping your reality. Learn to reprogram limiting beliefs, break free from negative thought patterns, and cultivate a mindset that supports your goals and aspirations.


Emotional Mastery

Gain greater control over your emotions and responses to life’s challenges. Cultivate emotional resilience, reduce stress, and develop a more positive outlook on life.


Spiritual Intimacy

Transcend limitations of the ego, gain deeper meaning, connection, and understanding of the universe. Embrace spiritual growth, inner peace, and alignment with universal principles.


Self Evolution

Evolve into your highest self and unlock your  potential in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and creativity. Radiate a sense of potency that can be sensed by others. 


Attract & Receive

Embodying these steps will set you up to become the creator that you truly are! When we can release what is no longer serving us, we open ourselves up to receiving what the universe has been trying to give us – our desires. 

Colleen gives you:

Your roadmap to real results

Accessing the Keys Within

I’m here to give you the “how” and walk you through the steps in a simple, quick and easy way. 

First things first – understand that your current life and your present way of being in the world, is a direct reflection of your past.

Your current problems are actually symptoms of something a bit deeper: some earlier experience you had. Some of these experiences were never processed in your brain and body in the way they needed to be, which left you with a negative belief that you are currently carrying about yourself (typically subconsciously) and there is also an emotional charge attached to it (some negative emotion). You then unconsciously project these thoughts and feelings outward and this starts to create your reality. Before you know it, things that you don’t want are happening and ultimately, we become stressed, anxious, have physical health issues, etc.

But this is all data. We can use what is showing up in your life as a mirror because it is reflecting back to you, your strongest beliefs and feelings. This is how we start to shift who you are into who you desire to be. 

Unlock your extraordinary potential within!

You’re more powerful than you were led to believe.

If you found Colleen, it is not by coincidence. People are put in her path when the universe is encouraging them to embark on a journey of profound healing, growth, and transformation. You are ready to be guided towards the truth of who you are and the limitless potential that awaits. Embrace this synchronicity as a sign that the universe is aligning to support your highest good, and take this step towards a life of greater joy, abundance, and fulfillment. 

Colleen’s divinely guided gifts give her the ability to see the past, present, and future all at once. She uses this information to sense the “Connection Points’ (the root cause of why this is happening now): tracing your current life stressors and connecting them back to where it all started – as well as what needs to shift in order for you to step into who you were truly meant to be. 

Join countless others who have experienced the awe-inspiring results of Colleen’s transformative work. She guides clients through rapid transformations that: releases old patterning, rewires the brain, energetic clearings, and installing new upgrades within (this is a neuroscience and evidenced based process).

That past trauma you’ve been working on for years that you’ve almost lost hope in recovering from, that limiting belief that comes up every time you try to step into the expanded version of yourself, all of those things keep you from expanding into your greatness – THIS is where Colleen’s magic lies!

Colleen’s 5-part fraMEwork will help you embody:

– Fulfillment – return of life force energy – increased resilience
– Released fear and anxiety – inner peace – compassion
– Improved relationships – Being in alignment with their inner truth
– Stop self-sabotaging – Emotional intelligence
– Confidence to fully show up as you 

– The ripple effect with the people they love and serve‌

After working together, you will feel your version of success in life. You will feel peace within and be able to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence. This is such a profound journey of growth and empowerment!

You don’t have to do more to have it… you actually just have to allow yourself to release what beliefs and emotions are no longer serving you. Are you ready to attract what’s been waiting to come to you?

Want more clarity on what’s actually going on in your brain that is creating all of this? Watch this video.

Play Video

Work with me

My Offers

your big upgrade

This work is intense and rapid, allowing for big upgrades in a small period of time. You will be experiencing potent activations: shifting and releasing on biological and energetic levels. It is not a process to be understood by the mind, but rather a liberation to be experienced.

Work with me

1:1 Packages

Everything in our life is a direct reflection of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. These internal states act as a blueprint to shape the external world we experience. 

When we understand the profound connection between our inner world and outer experiences, we gain the power to consciously create the life we desire. 

Through Colleen’s five-part fraMEwork: mindset mastery, emotional mastery, spiritual intimacy, self evolution and attract & receive, you will open yourself up to effortlessly attract and receive the abundance that is your birthright.

The truth is, the key to your next level has been waiting to be unlocked from inside of you this whole time! You’ve always had the ability to surpass all limitations and reach your potential in ways you couldn’t even dream of!

Key points:

The key to your next level has been waiting to be unlocked from inside of you this whole time! You’ve always had the ability to surpass all limitations and reach your potential in ways you couldn’t even dream of!

YOUR key is your uniqueness and your ability to stand firmly in it.

With my four-part framework: mindset mastery, emotional mastery, spiritual intimacy, self evolution and attract & receive, you will transform your world in ways beyond what you could have imagined for yourself. 

Offer 1:

Curious as to how you may be limiting yourself? This is a coaching session where Colleen will guide you to the root cause (connection point) of what has been keeping you from your next level success (this can be personal or business). She will give you the blueprint of exactly what you need to work on to break through your next level.

75 Minutes, One off session

Ready to build your life on your truth?

These 1:1 packages will:

1. Identify your limiting beliefs, secret self-sabotagers, and any resistance you are holding about your next level.
2. Receive the potent activations to rapidly release any thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perceptions that are no longer serving you.
3. Become the master of your thoughts and emotions. Start to embody self-assurance, inner strength, and spiritual intimacy.
4. BE the next level you & receive!

The following packages include:

– One (1) Blueprint session to start our journey together.
– Three (3) video calls per month (once per week, 50 minutes) and one (1) week of integration (no calls this week).
– One (1) BONUS follow-up call, the month following the end of your package.

1:1 Packages:

Monthly offers:

Offer 2:


Inside this potent 4 month program, you will discover how to Unlock Your Upgrade… The achievement of mastery in every area of your life and business!

Work exclusively with 2 experts, Colleen Aloian and Danielle DeAnna as you… Experience the Power of the Collective Alignment of the Masculine and Feminine Paradigm!

True success comes from a place of alignment – of being willing to acknowledge your gifts, celebrate your wins, build on the lessons and calibrate to your highest level.

True mastery comes from a place of awareness, of being able to admit when something is holding you back… not from a place of judgment or guilt, but a place of desire for the most aligned expansion.

Unlock Your Upgrade


This program is for you if you are Ready for SUCCESS & MASTERY in all areas of your life and business.

You want to expand your impact, your reach and your ability to build wealth – yet feel like you are bumping up against the constraints of TIME.

You desire to allow feminine energetics to be incorporated into your business without the fear of losing ground – trusting in the processes you put in place, releasing the need to operate from a place of unrelenting standards that lead to burnout, and creating space for receiving so that you can live a life of abundance and fulfillment.

You aspire to reach a level of ‘mastery’ in all areas of your life – whether you recognize an area you need support in that’s just not clicking into place or you know something is holding you back but you don’t know what it is.

You are ready to create your own way of running and scaling your business – discovering your unique business alignment that stems from energetic flow, passion and leadership.

You desire to operate from a place of alignment – to develop and hone your unique energetic signature / frequency that brings your essence and your gifts to life for your highest success and ultimate fulfillment.

You are looking to minimize the need for a team and / or are ready to hire with intention & purpose.

You often feel buried in the day to day and realize you aren’t going to get out of this cycle alone – at least not without losing ground or having to make sacrifices.

You have a burning desire to scale, but fear hitting a plateau. You’re seeing the writing on the wall, the burnout that’s coming if you stay in the pattern of MORE, but are afraid to change anything for fear it will all crumble… All while intuitively knowing… you are capable of more from a place of alignment.

You desire to be more intentional in all aspects of business and life… Free up time for yourself to LIVE, to spend time with family, friends, travel, enjoy hobbies and experience the life you’ve deliberately created!

If this feels ALIGNED

It's time to

Unlock Your Upgrade!

Applications are now being accepted! Click the button below to fill out your application.

Offer 2:

Informed Training & Certification

A trauma informed coach understands that
everyone has trauma.

It is imperative that we don’t accidently trigger our clients or push them away because we do not have the awareness that this trauma informed training provides.

This training is not designed to treat trauma (as that would be out of a coach’s scope of practice) but to genuinely elicit change within the client while staying within your professional boundaries.

This training will support you and your clients, as you will become aware of traumas you didn’t realize you had that are currently affecting you in how you show up in your own life and in your relationship with your clients.

This course will provide you the ability to recognize when clients are experiencing, or have been involved with traumatic events that are impacting or preventing them from moving forward resourcefully.

Colleen Aloian Trauma


Safety & Trust

You will learn to truly hold space for a client and guide them towards a better understanding of the root cause of their presenting issues, co-create safety and trust with a client, have a more developed skillset to help the client (and yourself) to navigate through challenges and create breakthroughs, healing and growth.

Earn Strategies and Tools to support your clients with a higher standard of care.

You will have confidence in:

– Understanding the brain-body connection,
– Behavioral reactions,
– The window of tolerance,
– Different types of traumas, as well as
– Leading causes, and symptoms of trauma.

Furthermore, you will learn:

Strategies and tools to assist you in helping your client better understand their nervous system, attain self-regulation, alleviate symptoms, and offer positive possibilities of post-traumatic growth and healing.

If you would like to be able to support your clients with a higher standard of care while guiding them to their next level, this training is for you!

If you are ready to participate in

Trauma Informed

Training & Certification

Click the button below to register for this program:


Client stories

The gift of finding yourself!

I've tried a lot of different techniques in my life to be able to put the finger on and release what was blocking me with little results.

With Colleen, we were able to go to the root of everything from our first session. She really takes the time and care to uncover the real issue to help release the trauma so we can live to our full potential.
S. G.
10/10 would recommend gifting yourself a piece of Colleen's magic. You won't regret it!

I had the most insane session with Colleen, I still don't really know what happened other than I feel soooooo much lighter. We worked on a deep childhood trauma which has been holding me back for so long. Since the session, a week ago, I've felt so much more peaceful. And my brain doesn't really understand what happened, but my body is like "yessssss freedommmmm".
L. L.
Colleen, thank you for sharing your gift for it helped me unravel a part of my tethered soul and I am forever grateful.

During our time she helped me uncover and untangle a web of thoughts that were so intertwined that I never realized the common thread - the connection.

Now I can so clearly see the connection and the block is no longer there.
K. E.

The Journey Towards

Your Dreams
Begins on the Path

of Self Love & Alignment

I am here to tell you, the ceiling is NOT the limit. We have the power to create the life we desire.
Reclaim your power and step into your highest potential!

About ME

Colleen Aloian

therapist, healer, consciousness expander

For over 10 years, Colleen has offered her services as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. She is an expert in trauma and guiding her clients through transformations at hyper speed that leave them speechless! 

A pioneer in her field

She has always been a pioneer in her field, supporting therapists in deepening their skills, providing trainings and creating programs to serve clients.

Achievement award

In 2018, while working with the NY Army National Guard, Colleen received an achievement award for providing world class support, expertise, innovative ideas and dedication.

Zero Impact Method

In 2021, Colleen felt the calling to step into her true nature of being a healer and channel. With her deep understanding of how our past experiences create vast limitations on our brain, body, and energy, Colleen created her Zero Impact Method and a five-part fraMEwork for authentic success and true wealth.

Feel born anew

Awaken your light and align with your divine purpose

with Colleen Aloian

Colleen uses her gifts to see people as their whole, potential selves and to guide them in rapidly releasing any false identity while attuning to their inner light. Her clients feel born anew; they are returning home to what was always inside of them. Awakening their light and aligning with their divine purpose.

Colleen is guiding women all over the world in rapidly releasing internal barriers, claiming their uniqueness, feeling liberation after liberation, elevating their frequency and magnetizing their desires with their own pure light.

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